NFL Draft Player Spotlight - Ferrod Gard

NFL Draft Player Spotlight - Ferrod Gard

What can you tell us about your hometown and family life growing up?I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and moved to Dayton, Ohio during my freshman year of high school. I lived with my mom and my brother up until we moved to Dayton, where we switched and she moved in with her husband and I stayed at my aunts down the street. At what age did you begin to play football and when did you fall in love with the game?I started playing at seven years old and I fell Carlos Correa Jersey in love with the game my sophomore year at Trotwood-Madison. Who is someone that has had an influence on you and what is a valuable le son that you have learned from them?Coach Napier, I learned that people deserve second chances. Napier came on and gave me a second chance and I will be forever grateful.When Dallas Keuchel Jersey an NFL scout pops on your game film what should they expect to see, can you provide a self-scouting report?Speed, twitchy, athleticism, attacks the ball, great in space, good coverage skills, good blitzer.How would you describe your leadership style (lead by example, vocal, one-on-one, other)?Lead by example, dont talk about it if youre not going to be about it.Who was the toughest opponent you have faced during your career (player or team), how did you fare?Bijan Robinson, I made some plays on him but he definitely had a game against usWhat is a favorite memory that you will cherish from your collegiate career?Winning the Sun Belt Championship in 2021 at Cajun Field, as my last collegiate game.Name a point in your career where you had to deal with adversity. What did you take away from that experience?Not getting to play the 2020 Conference Championship game, we watched Coastal give their team rings like they won, even though we never played and it just made me more motivated to dominate the conference in 2021, to Jose Cruz Jr. Jersey get back and become champions like I believed we were.Have you endured any major injuries throughout your career? If so, what did you learn from that proce s?I had Lisfranc (foot) surgery in 2017 that ended my season and labrum/rotator cuff surgery during the 2020 offseason. I learned that a positive mental approach to each day can benefit the rehab proce s so much better than feeling pity or sorry for yourself. Come in and attack each day to be better than the last.What is something that no one knows about you?Im Brian McCann Jersey a big music junkie and my top artist was Mariah the Scientist in 2021If you can bring one teammate to a fox hole, who are you taking and why?Percy Butler because I know hes going to be in the right spot each time and we can always communicate our indecisivene s out on the field.Scroll to ContinueHave you selected an agent or combine training facility yet?I will be training at Michael Johnson Sports Performance in Dallas, Texas and my agent is Ed Wasielewski at EMG Sports Houston Astros Custom Jersey . NFL Draft Prospects to WatchHundreds of prospects ranked and updated throughout the season. Stay updated on all the NFL Draft eligible players and where they could go in the draft.Check out the latest and greatest, most up-to-date, fantasy football rankings. No one has the most comprehensive and accurate rankings when it comes to fantasy football than the NFL Draft Bible.