plastic pallet crates

Nowadays with the rapid development of logistics warehousing industry, the mode of transportation is also changing, in order to adapt to these different ways of logistics


Nowadays with the rapid development of logistics warehousing industry, the mode of transportation is also changing, in order to adapt to these different ways of logistics, warehousing, from the original plastic tray box, to the present variety, complete specifications of all kinds of tray box. At the time of delivery, in order to save space, convenient for management to pile up, creates a fold-down tray box and pluggable tray box, the two tray box is very similar in some ways. And plastic folding box in management advantage is obvious. Packaging plastic folding box with silk screen printing and hot stamping services, can provide plastic folding box to increase corporate logo, product name, etc., and it also can be installed tag holder, convenient label follow change, very convenient management.
Retail is the bulk of the goods sales industry, regardless of the mode, such as how to change, its nature had changed. Achieve the highest quality, the lowest price, the service do the best. In order to achieve this goal, the retail sales channel is more flat, supply chain shorter, the requirement of efficiency is higher.
Plastic folding box can well solve the problem. Plastic folding box purchase price is not high, not only in the later in the process of using the cost is low.Packaging production research and development of the PP/PE plastic folding box is generally used as raw materials, safe environmental protection, not easy to damage, acid corrosion, waterproof, can be recycled many times, and plastic pallet crates the damage of parts can be replaced separately, don't have to buy the product. Moreover plastic folding box in the condition of empty container deposit can be folded, save 70% of the storage and transportation space.
As a result, more and more retail industry on products is conducted by folding box is used to storage and transportation. Folding carton is effective to streamline supply chain link, realize the origin direct, to ensure the quality of products, make consumers more trust, thus improve the buying rate.
What are the characteristics of the folding carton, can optimize the supply chain?
First of all, the folding carton conform to the requirements of the standardization, can match the standard pallet, and forklift truck, the use of automation equipment, so as to improve the efficiency of loading and unloading, foldable ibc spill containment pallet to save space, reduce turnover and storage cost; Second, the folding carton, can realize the source origin to supermarket stores don't turn over the box, basket, so as to minimize the loss of product freshness in the supply chain, effectively reduce the corrosion loss rate;
Third, folding box can be high and low temperature resistance, can be used in the cold chain, in particular, in the process of transportation, customers can request according to the product category and preservation, points temperature layer for the entire cold chain transport;
Fourth, folding box can also carry labels, chips, such as smart devices, help ibc spill pallet to realize intelligent and digital management of the supply chain.
Finally, compared with other packaging transportation, folding carton itself can recycle use, a purchase can be used for many years, faster moving, less waste, low cost, natural increase profits.