plastic bulk containers

Plastic pallet information construction policy advice business faced a core problem of the guidelines and principles


Plastic pallet information construction policy advice business faced a core problem of the guidelines and principles, hand in hand with the development of the overall planning, two combination is given priority to. Plastic plastic bulk containers pallet manufacturers net week Internet resource sharing, the whole Zhou Lao construction in the informatization construction of overall planning, and hand in hand with the development of informatization construction. Plastic pallet platform facies, the hardware and software are given priority to with software construction.
For reasons of space cost and economic cost, plastic tray on the shelf do reasonable pattern. Different for different types of warehouses, storage of goods, for the shelves the use of plastic pallets are fairly strict requirements. Customer foldable bulk container for shelf plastic tray, but not know the specific specifications. Single type blister tray for small motor and wire disc packaging, transport, etc. Double blister tray is packaged, divided into two forms: the upper piece for fixed-length, fixed width plastic sheet extrusion, the second half of the piece for a large vacuum suction plastic products; On, the second half of the pieces are large vacuum suction plastic products.
Plastic tray to adapt to the industrial policy, will get will get tilt policies and incentives from the government. The great progress of information technology and the Chinese government's continued investment in information infrastructure, the large-scale application of computer and network technology in the logistics industry is possible. Plastic tray circulation flow of collapsible bulk container electronic commerce and the related information service in China has just started, the market foundation for the construction of logistics information network provides a good and empty the survival and development.
Plastic tray is divided into static load and dynamic load; Static load refers to the plastic tray on the shelf when the bottom piece tray allowed by the maximum load, static load value, the greater the packed goods nature, the more collapsible pallet box should follow the goods in storage shelves on the bottom heavy on the principle of light. On the pallet rack pile goods to should take put down gently, mainly in order to ensure the safety of the stability of the tray on the shelf, the second is to avoid to cause damage to the goods. Plastic tray on the shelf when packed the goods ultra-high overweight of avoid by all means, and the upper shelf at the bottom of the tray should leave no less than 100 mm space between. Different specifications of the shelf plastic tray is designed according to the actual load. In different goods warehouse, therefore, should choose appropriate to specifications of the shelf tray.